Senin, 18 November 2013


In South Sulawesi there are four tribes, namely Bugis, Makassar, Mandar and Toraja, each of which has a specific culture. All that needs to be maintained saw global flows so swift that washed cultures we should keep, the one that makes Indonesia known by the World because of its rich culture, so it is fitting for all the people of Indonesia to protect and maintain the culture they have.
 Bissu existing Segeri Pangkep culture is one that should be maintained as seen Bissu is one part of the story I La Galigo is still maintained to this day, even theater performances I La Galigo containing therein Bissu got a very positive response from International humanist and has now played in many countries such as America, Australia, and other countries under the auspices of director Robert Wilson. From the description above proves that sometimes more appreciated overseas community and appreciate our culture than our own culture's owner, and if it does not make us fear that a culture that has been preserved by our ancestors were taken by other countries, see the reality now a lot of our culture that seeks in claims by other countries such as Batik and Reog Ponorogo who had experienced conflict between Indonesia and countries that claim. We raised this with the intention that the title of the public get to know about the existing culture in Segeri Bissu Pangkep district so that people will appreciate it more. Need to be instilled in the hearts of that culture in Indonesia that we belong together, so all should be able to appreciate and respect every culture in Indonesia. Towards the fall season rice in Sulawesi this, we feel the need to discuss Bissu which is part of the ceremony or Mappalili down the field. We summarize some information about the library method Bissu through both printed and internet so really accurate. Historically, bissu derived from Bone, and started there in about AD 18 Segeri Pangkep Bissu bessi derived from the word which means clean or pure, bissu also known as calabai or effeminate but they are not calabai usual, they are calabai believe in magic that can connect and communicate with the gods. Before the Islamic empire in Sulawesi, they have to know first understand "Puang Seuwae" which means God Almighty. Bissu is led by a leader and his deputy are Puang Matowa is Puang Lolo, Bissu community in Pangkep live in Arajangnge in Bontomatene, District Segeri. Currently led by Puang Matowa Upe replace Puang Matoa Saidi, who died on Tuesday, June 28, 2011 at exactly 15:35 pm on Wahidin Sudirohusodo. One of the things that makes Bissu think the community needs to be maintained is by the ceremony Mappalili or down the field, these activities were hereditary conducted every year to mark the start of the rice planting season, usually done in september or november. According to the surrounding community, the ceremony was conducted in order to obtain blessings from the gods in order yields satisfactory, the culmination of the ceremony is the slicing and stabbing Maggiri limbs with keris initiated by the leadership of the Puang matoa bissu bissu and subsequently followed by other members , nah!! this is where the magic they are, they are so immune to sharp weapons, they do not cut at all. Before starting the ritual they usually recite ancient incantations in a language To rilangi. Bissu community in Segeri reside at Arajangnge and maintain the tools arajang heritage, not everyone can be bissu, there are a number of requirements that must be fulfilled. Because the show is so sacred then all the rules bissu be completely fulfilled because if not, there will be things like fatal when ingested kris Maggiri procession.
Bissu is also one part of the story I La Galigo is still maintained to this day, even in pentaskan through theaters in various countries directed by Robert Wilson, Puang Matowa Bissu (Alm) Saidi is a script reader or sureq I La Galigo is written in Bugis ancient theater when I La Galigo. In fact, he had memorized the script I La Galigo nine. But since died on June 28, 2011 and now fate bissu and theater performances I La Galigo unclear. Now led by Puang Matoa Bissu Upe a former representative of Puang Matowa Saidi. So as Indonesian society, we should be able to appreciate the cultural heritage in Indonesia including Bissu which is part of the story I La Galigo is still maintained to this day, Bissu is part of the local culture of the people who now have received positive responses from cultural International and has become one of the tourist wealth of Indonesian culture. The times are so rapidly lead to some changes in various sectors, including in the cultural sector. Local cultures, communities began to be forgotten, abandoned and less attention, people tend to prefer the modern cultures are under concomitant of globalization and modernization. One culture that is now known up to foreign Ma'bissu that there is a tradition in the district Segeri Pangkep, bissu a local cultural communities still maintained to this day and is also part of the story I La Galigo. Bissu bessi derived from the word which means clean or pure, bissu a human race without a clear gender as a category of human bissu not women and not men, they are more commonly known as calabai, calalai, Kawe-Kawe, or effeminate. But they are not the usual effeminate, they have supernatural powers that are immune to a sharp weapon, it can be proven at the time of the ceremony Mappalili or down field during the procession maggiri '. Bissu Pangkep thought to have existed in the 18th century, but a few years later an uprising by modern Muslims who think that the beliefs held by the bissu a belief that deviate from the teachings of religion and considered idolatrous, dissolution bissu group performed in conjunction with the movement of the G-30 / PKI, at the time of the rebellion led by the force majeure bissu Muzakkar the operating name of toba 'or operation of repentance, all bissu forced back to their gender and a particular religion is right. None of the bissu resistance at the time because the majority of people support the dissolution bissu because it is considered menyimapang of religious teachings.
In 2003 bissu Segeri re-established in the district and there are 22 people Pangkep bissu, until now there are still many people who are not happy with the bissu because it is considered idolatrous traditions, but with the anti-discrimination laws and the protection of the National Human Rights Commission, the existence bissu still maintained. Besides the ceremony mappalili 'is also one factor that makes this culture should be maintained....

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